We are a church for all. We are glad you're here.

Love Your Neighbor.


Open Table UMC is proud to be both a Lighthouse Congregation and a Reconciling Church.  

Lighthouse Congregations are a part of the UM Collective Movement in the Western NC Conference. These congregations are particularly equipped to welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. If you find yourself in these circumstances, we first want you to know that we see you. We love you. And we will help guide you. A Lighthouse Congregation is a United Methodist faith community that will serve as a resting place with people who will care for you while providing a haven of peace and grace. Whether you are an individual or a group of people who have become displaced or churchless because of closing or disaffiliation, Lighthouse Congregations will be there for you during this difficult time.

Reconciling Churches celebrate that LGBTQ+ persons are a good expression of God’s diverse creation and exist to advocate for the affirmation of all of God’s children in the Church and the world.

Who We Are

We are a progressive, inclusive, affirming, and diverse church that hopes to bridge the divides of our culture in order to love and include everyone. We believe that God is love and the church should reflect this unconditional love to all people - just as Jesus did. 

Our dream is to be a church that stands with and among the marginalized and oppressed in our community to stand for justice and reconciliation. We are not perfect but we want to do good.  

We desire a church where everyone is embraced and welcome to our communion table, our dinner tables and our leadership tables. We are passionate about relieving suffering and fighting injustice, joining the God of the oppressed in living out the message of Jesus. We believe Jesus calls the church to be a force of good in the world, living for something larger than ourselves.

We love the rhythms of ancient liturgy, the depth of traditional hymns, and the relevance of contemporary music - and strive to bring together what is often divided in worship. With relevant preaching and weekly communion - our communion table is open to everyone each week.  

You can currently join us for worship in the following ways:

We are gathering for indoor worship at 10am on Sundays with social distancing and masks optional.

We also have online worship on both our Facebook & YouTube channels that go live at 10am on Sundays:



Pastor Sarah Majors on Spectrum News One

Pastor Sarah joined a panel of other LGBTQ+ Faith Leaders in North Carolina to share her insights on several issues in the church today - which she articulates wonderfully. Check it out at the link below! 

We're blessed to have her at Open Table UMC!

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